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JBEST School of Technology and
Practical Skills, Inc.


The TVL (Technical-Vocational-Livelihood) Track is designed for students who want to gain practical skills and hands-on experience that prepare them for immediate employment, entrepreneurship, or further technical studies. This track provides industry-relevant training in various fields, equipping students with the competencies needed to excel in technical and vocational careers. The TVL curriculum offers specialized subjects in areas such as agriculture, home economics, information and communication technology (ICT), industrial arts, and hospitality management. Each specialization focuses on developing technical proficiency, problem-solving skills, and real-world application, allowing students to become job-ready upon graduation. One of the key advantages of the TVL track is its hands-on and competency-based learning approach. Students engage in practical training, internships, and workshops that simulate real workplace scenarios. This enables them to acquire the necessary skills and certifications to qualify for jobs in industries like culinary arts, automotive technology, electronics, construction, computer programming, and tourism services. Additionally, the TVL track promotes entrepreneurship and self-sufficiency by teaching students how to start and manage their own businesses. This track is ideal for individuals who want to pursue careers in trades, craftsmanship, and service-oriented professions while also having the flexibility to build their own enterprises. Graduates of the TVL track have multiple career pathways—they can enter the workforce, start their own businesses, or continue their education in specialized vocational or technical fields. With its strong emphasis on practical learning and employability, the TVL track ensures that students are well-prepared to meet industry demands and succeed in their chosen careers. Ultimately, the TVL track empowers students by providing them with valuable skills, certifications, and opportunities that enable them to contribute to economic growth and build a stable future in technical and vocational professions.